Credit cards reconciliations allow you to match your credit card statement with your company’s financial statement. The reconciliation is generally done when you get the credit card statement and when the financial period is over. Being a technical product you may face issue while using the application on your system. QuickBooks Credit Card Payments Not Showing Up In Reconciliation is one such error that can lower your work performance. In this article, we will discuss the cause of the error and method to fix it. For any assistance you can call toll-free QuickBooks Support Number +1800-210-5289.
What Are The Factors The Cause QuickBooks Credit Card Errors?
There are many reasons that cause QuickBooks Credit Card Related Errors. The possible reasons are listed below:
- Credit card accounts do not reconcile with the financial institution.
- Any type of partial payment in the credit card bill.
- All card bills have the same expense account.
How To Resolve QuickBooks Credit Card Payment Not Showing Up in Reconciliation Error?
There are many ways that can fix QuickBooks Credit Card Payment Not Showing Up in Reconciliation Error. For any type of assistance, you can contact Intuit QuickBooks Support for quick resolution. Some of the solutions are given below:
Solution 1: Same Credit Card Transactions Is Already Reconciled:
- You can see the transactions which are reconciled in the bank register.
- The details of the transaction which are reconciled can be viewed in the bank register.
- Ensure that the transactions are marked with an R.
Solution 2: Transactions Might Be Hidden By Mistake
- Uncheck the hiding transactions after the end date of the monthly statement.
- You need to uncheck the hidden transactions on the end date of the monthly statement
- You can find the hidden transactions on the right side of the window.
Solution 3
Verify if you have or have not made the credit card transactions in your reconciliation account. Ensure that you have verified the account in the payment.
Reach For Technical Support
If the error still exists after performing the above solutions then you can call toll-free QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Number +1800-210-5289 without any delay. Our experts will resolve all your QuickBooks related issues in no time. Our helpline is open all the time for the smooth functioning of your QuickBooks so that You don’t have to wait and you can be back to your business without wasting any time.